Jim Inscore... never heard of him? ... well, Jim picked up the guitar at the age of 50 because he always wanted to write and record some great folk-rockin' tunes. Five Years later he did just that and recorded a 6track CD which was produced by no other than Bonnie Hayes. Not only did Bonnie produce, she also added some vocals and it turns out that Jim and Bonnie's vocals complement one another very well - sounds like two unruly vintage people had a lot of fun working together.
Although there are only 6 songs on the CD they are worth every cent because the music and lyrics are fun, fun, fun. Amazing if you know about Jim's day job, which is to be Editor-in-Chief @ Sun Developer Network (managing java.sun.com and developer.sun.com). Just google his name you will find plenty of links regarding that job. Anyhow, when Jim Inscore starts to sing about 'Danger on the left, Danger on the right ...' ("Dangerous World") or about "Love In A Dumpster" one hardly cares about his day job. Songs like "Stop Sign" make you feel shifting the gears, speed up and give you the right kind of nervous feeling(s) ... 'foot on the gas, foot in the grave ...'
Nuff said, check out Jim's new CD and hopefully he will continue to write such great tunes!!!
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